I'm just going to talk about my three favorite albums briefly. The list of bands I listen to is below. My favorite album of all time is The Somberlain by Dissection. For most music, I almost never enjoy it on the first listen. I first heard this album on its 30th anniversery and immediately knew it was the best album ever. It is the most hauntingly beautiful album I've ever heard. It's mainly personal reasons I love this album. The use of classical guitar and the medieval motifs throughout are just amazing. It paints this amazing picture of death and the afterlife. It's really cohesive and just a really complete package.
My next favorite album is Necroticism- Descanting the Insulubrious by Carcass. Again, I found this album during a time when I was physically quite ill and it has really helped me by finding humor in the situation. I love the guitar work. I've never been able to play any of it; it's so unorthodox. I also just really appreciate Carcass' vibe in general. It's a nice break from the more usual afterlife and supernatural motifs in metal. They were also fantastic to see live.
Entombed's Clandestine almost takes the third spot, but I'm going to have to stick Darkthrone's Soulside Journey in 3rd. It was the first Old School Death Metal I listened to, and the album that finally made me realize I prefer Death Metal over Black Metal. This album is basically a Swedish Death Metal album with somewhat of a space-like sound. Nothing in it feels extreme for the sake of being extreme. Again, being the first Death Metal album I listened to, it holds that special place to me that can't be replicated by another album.